New Year, New Adventures | 15 2019 Resolutions | VintageDisneybound
Hey there beautifuls, my name is Kathyrn and I am the girl behind VintageDisneybound. It's 2019 and the beginning of a new year. Time to sort out some goals/resolutions. Now I am not big on the whole resolution, goal setting sort of thing. I tend to quick them halfway through or even before I start them. But I thought I would do this and check in once in a while to see how I do. I am setting goals that I actually want to achieve this year. So let's get started! 1. Drink more water. Write down or get an app to keep track of water intake -I do not drink enough water and that's something I want to change. I tend to go for sugary or carbonated drinks than water. But I want to change my mindset and include more water into my daily diet. 2. Move more! Stop sitting on my bed, or being stuck in my room. Go for a walk and just sit outside and read. Get out of the house -Just like many of us, we have been consumed with the idea of sitting on our butts in front of the tv o...
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