
Showing posts from October, 2018

Minnie Mouse Bound | VintageDisneyBound

Hey there beatifuls!!!! Hi, how are you doin?! I am alright. I am very tired at the moment. It's currently 11:30pm.  Today, as you can see, I am showing you my affordable Minnie bound. Like it's a very simple bound. I absolutely love simple bounds, don't get me wrong going all out on a bound I do sometimes but simple is everyday.   So i got the dress at SHEIN, online yes. here is the link: If you looked on the websie, then you can see it look just like it does on the website. with this website I haven't had a problem with it but then again i tend to always lok at the customer comments. if it doesn't have a comment, I don't buy it. That's my rule! The only problem I had ith this dress is  that the split was a little too high for my liking, so I just safety pinned it and it worked. I got it to where I liked it. You an always fix something if you don't like it. But overa...